“For God so loved the world…” Jo. 3:16
This gospel verse sets the pace for Calvary Assembly of God. Why do we encourage you to connect, care & contribute? Because it’s the model God gave us to follow. Through Jesus, God connected with mankind, cared to the utmost level of love, and
contributed to meet mankind’s deepest need...forgiveness.
Have you considered Calvary’s opportunities to connect, care and contribute? As you do, I believe Jesus will guide you to connect with God’s people, share His love and discover ways to contribute to God’s purposes for your life and the lives of others.
For His Plans & Purpose,
Pastor Dan DeLembo

Prayer Ministry
This group meets weekly on Sunday mornings at 9:15 am in the Fireside Room to intercede for the leadership, our worship services, the lost and personal needs in our church family as well as surrounding communities.
Submit prayer requests here.
Nursing Home Ministry
This ministry visits six local 3 local nursing homes/rehab facilities each month. We welcome any who have a heart for seniors. We sing hymns along with CD accompaniment and any instruments are welcomed. Attendance is not required every week.

Father's Heart Ministry
The goal of this ministry is to partner with local foster/adopt agencies, parents & children to meet practical needs & to provide simple services. We accept new donations for babies through teens who are in the foster care system. Click here for a list of items.
Care Portal: to learn more click here. To sign up: click here.
Connections Ministry
The purpose of this team is to greet, treat & direct our guests with excellence! We schedule bi-annually for 4 separate teams: Greeters, Welcome Center Staff, Ushers & Coffee Attendants. These are low-commitment opportunities with high impact!

Worship Ministry
Our worship team is always looking for individuals who desire to glorify the Lord through music. Vocals or instrumental accompaniment welcome!
Media Team
Use your gifts and talents & explore new opportunities with this team. Areas include: sound/audio, video production, lighting & stagehands. Training is available.